The first three readings really gave me something to think about “Teaching by Leading not Lecture” is probably the closest to my own teaching styles although it was nice to be reminded that allowing children to have hands on and exploration in their learning is the very thing that gives their lessons meaning. I cannot help thinking of my own education lecture from text books. I can remember discussing with friends why I might need to know the purpose of a particular lesson in the real world anyway. If I would have just had lessons that would have been relevant and meaningful I may have enjoyed school more. With the use of technology in the classroom we as teacher can bring the meaning and enthusiasm back into education.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Laptops on Expedition
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Evaluating Web Pages:
Wow! There were several articles to read today. The author’s articles all had the basic points and that is evaluation and authenticity of a web site. This is sometimes very difficult to determine especially for children. I doubt students take into consideration whether the information is error free since they are just learning to digest information themselves I am not sure a 4th grader is even able to decide this information it true or not after all they are still learning. I also feel the same way with deciding if information is current. To a 9 year old two years is a life time they were little then if you question them. I do feel though they can distinguish whether a site has been updated. And they love evaluation sites for grammar and spelling errors so those site provide an educational value as well.
Reading the passage on “Evaluating Web Pages” was very useful I booked marked several useful points. Such as reading the URL this would help students determine if the site itself is reliable. Indicators such workable links were another good point if the point does not work or redirect you as a user it probably wasn’t a very reliable site to begin with. Ease of use was also a point my fourth grades can relate to. I guess the biggest thing I took away from the endless readings is the usefulness of the teacher pre-screening a web site for student use.
Create a School Web Site
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Digital Divide: Where We Are Today
In my classroom this last school year I had 20 students, three of which I could communicate though e-mail with. I had one student that would e-mail me regularly in regards to homework and to shoot me kinks he fond funny or helpful. That was 1/5th of my class was or had parents that were computer literate. The other 4/5th’s either didn’t have computers or did not have internet access. If George Bush doesn’t think there is a divide he needs to get out from behind his desk, away form policy makers and business men that are telling him differently and visit my school. Who ever thinks a divide does not exist has never had to work two jobs just to pay the rent and put food on the table while raising a family below the poverty level. A divide will exist and until the cost of gas, food and the basic necessaries the divide will not only grow wider but deeper too.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Forces of Restructuring
I feel like this article had two issues, which it addressed very well. The first issue was the importance and how students need to evaluate a website for its source and its validity. The article gave and example of how a seeming simple assignment of gathering information on the holocaust can be warped by the web and by those with opinions that are miss leading and hateful. It explains how the teacher is in some way remissive of the erroneous information. The teacher failed to teach how it distinguishes between a primary source and a secondary source or no valid source at all. It is important to consider as teachers when we give an assignment we clarify the difference.
The article then went into the reasons we as teachers fail to make the clarification of an assignment or just lack of time to teacher the issues the first part of the article addresses. That is we are pinned between what should be taught and what is be dictated to us to teach as a result of high steak testing. It is important for the lawmakers, school board members and the general public to see this dilemma. We are teachers. And as the world evolves and becomes more technical, we are stuck teaching to the archaic ways of the past, namely a standardized test.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Re: The CyberPilot's License:
This reading was on an acceptable use policy and how the author R.W. Burniske viewed her sons AUP when he presented it to her. R.W. Burniske a mother and master teacher found the schools AUP to be full of vocabulary and terms she doubted many of the parents or students in her district could read or understand and how many signed and gave permission without really know what the discipline and effects breaking the rules really meant. I must reflect like R.W. Burniske I have signed my share of AUP’s and like her I doubt my children really understood as developing minds often do not what it was we were signing. Was this for the teacher’s protection? Was it for the student’s protection? I doubt it I believe it is for the protection of the districts. Like the author I believe there is a more subtle approach to a AUP. The vocabulary needs to be kid friendly, it needs to explain why they must have rules after all watching someone hug the porcelain god, we still wanted to know what it felt like to drink to much. The internet is no different. We need to teach children that they do not need to see, hear and do everything just because they can.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Re: Writing-Plagiarism Advice for Lessons
This reading was focused on 18 ways to help students avoid plagiarism. I found most of them to be helpful and as I reviewed the reading I could not this of anyway to stop the cut and paste problem other than to require students to only read articles in PDF format. Still cutting and pasting can happen you just have to be a little more creative with it. The point that strikes be and rubs me the wrong way is the several points that were made about educating the parents. It isn’t enough that we have high testing expectations now I need to teach the parents too? I think an outline or reminder or even a web link would suffice. I know this reads as a harsh statement but their just seems to be less and less parent accountability for the education of their children…. Just venting.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Re: Locate and Evaluate WebQuests
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
RE: How to Search the Internet Effectively
I found the information in the readings today to be very insightful. The protocol to use in searches, the words/ terms to avoid and the key vocabulary were helpful. I find that as I use the search engines and directories I often become sloppy in my searches. To describe it metaphorically I throw a stone in the ocean and hope the waves bring me back something I can use. I also think the readings would be a useful tool to use in my classroom at the beginning of the year to introduce the key vocabulary and best practices of searching the internet effectively.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Response to Beyond Technology
The article reflects on the high impact technology is having on education. It addresses and stresses the believed outcomes that lie ahead for the 21st century learner. The article address the changes technology has had in the work place in the last few years and the impact it has made for workers making working from common place. It then continues with a variety of models that “should be” for example; students “should be” expected to create knowledge products to publish, students, “should be” expected to communicate in a global market, students, “should be” able to design their own learning and be responsible for that learning. Although I agree with the fundamental basis for this article I do believe a few factors have been over looked. First, we forget we are teaching children and although they are eager and quick to learn they all develop at a different pace and all are not developmentally ready to take responsibility for their learning at the same time. I believe that there still is a vast gap in the technology that is available in school varying equality even within a school district. That gap grows even greater within the family. My family knows and practices the responsibility of providing the tools to make education the best it can be. While my sister cannot afford a computer for her home and does not wish to have one because she believes her children get enough of computers at school and she does at work. I work with teachers that feel just the opposite the kids are on the computers at home and do not need to be on it at school. It is this backwards thinking that will make the information highway come to a crawl in regards to education. The private sector (lawmakers, businesses, idealist) want to see computers in every dark empty corner of our country. The reality is there is not enough funding to make the education playing field equal even if 100 Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dumped all their money into the system. Until the classroom is transformed from a more traditional look and takes on a different look (telecommunicating to school) I am afraid it will be difficult to instill a since of progress equal to that in the privet business sector.