Saturday, June 14, 2008

Laptops on Expedition

The first three readings really gave me something to think about “Teaching by Leading not Lecture” is probably the closest to my own teaching styles although it was nice to be reminded that allowing children to have hands on and exploration in their learning is the very thing that gives their lessons meaning. I cannot help thinking of my own education lecture from text books. I can remember discussing with friends why I might need to know the purpose of a particular lesson in the real world anyway. If I would have just had lessons that would have been relevant and meaningful I may have enjoyed school more. With the use of technology in the classroom we as teacher can bring the meaning and enthusiasm back into education.

The article “Laptops on Expedition” discussed the importance of establishing a learning community. Not just in the classroom but in the extended community as well. It also discusses the concept of looping with students. I have often reflected on this concept, it makes since to loop with a class. Less time would me sent on building an infrastructure with in the classroom from year to year and more time on teaching and learning. In looping the community becomes more tangible and the willingness to take chances is less of an issue. Technology in the classroom allows all level of learners to excel and be successful through collaboration and partnerships.

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