Friday, June 6, 2008

Re: The CyberPilot's License:

This reading was on an acceptable use policy and how the author R.W. Burniske viewed her sons AUP when he presented it to her. R.W. Burniske a mother and master teacher found the schools AUP to be full of vocabulary and terms she doubted many of the parents or students in her district could read or understand and how many signed and gave permission without really know what the discipline and effects breaking the rules really meant. I must reflect like R.W. Burniske I have signed my share of AUP’s and like her I doubt my children really understood as developing minds often do not what it was we were signing. Was this for the teacher’s protection? Was it for the student’s protection? I doubt it I believe it is for the protection of the districts. Like the author I believe there is a more subtle approach to a AUP. The vocabulary needs to be kid friendly, it needs to explain why they must have rules after all watching someone hug the porcelain god, we still wanted to know what it felt like to drink to much. The internet is no different. We need to teach children that they do not need to see, hear and do everything just because they can.

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