Tuesday, June 3, 2008

RE: How to Search the Internet Effectively

I found the information in the readings today to be very insightful. The protocol to use in searches, the words/ terms to avoid and the key vocabulary were helpful. I find that as I use the search engines and directories I often become sloppy in my searches. To describe it metaphorically I throw a stone in the ocean and hope the waves bring me back something I can use. I also think the readings would be a useful tool to use in my classroom at the beginning of the year to introduce the key vocabulary and best practices of searching the internet effectively.

1 comment:

jmitteness said...


It is good to hear that you found the information insightful! Now the question is how you can apply it to your classroom. Things you may want to think about may include some lessons with your students on how to effectively search and use social bookmark sites with your students. Can you think of some ways in which you would teach these lessons? Maybe a Web Quest????